Sciences : histoire orale
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SHO Corpus

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The corpus is made up of transcription of interviews with scientists involved in research on materials in a broad sense (physics, chemistry and biology). These interviews were conducted by researchers in the fields of history and the philosophy of science. The current corpus originates from a former project on Material Sciences and Engineering, funded by the Sloan Foundation and Dibner Institute (2000-2003). As the initial website disappeared in 2005, the idea emerged to gather this US-based collection with an unpublished, unknown corpus collected by French scholars. It led to the SHO website which makes the transcription of each interview accessible in a written version that is integral (the size of texts is not limited), literal (as close to the oral version as possible) and in the same language as the oral version (English or French). The interviews are displayed according to six headings (persons, disciplines, research fields, research objects, instrumentation, and institutions), browsed by key-words and clarified by a set of explanatory notes.


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