Sciences : histoire orale
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How is Organized the Website ?

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The architectural organization of our website displays a few editorial preferences : transversal links between fields, through a network of key-words, rather than a linear chronology or an alphabetic list of people ; thematic gathering within six headings (“persons”, “institutions”, “disciplines”, “research fields”, “research objects”, “instrumentation”) rather than the blossoming of folders and subfolders. These non-linear interactions are made possible by digital edition only and not by paper edition. However, the heading “persons” plays a specific role since it is the only one that contains the totality of the transcriptions, alphabetically ordered. For the five other headings, the reader will follow thematic and semantic tracks on which he or she will discover the very links that redirect to the actual transcriptions (in the heading “persons”). Generally speaking, the headings and subheadings have no normative but pragmatic purpose. They have been selected not to fix a static comprehensive typology of disciplines and research fields but to help the users to circulate easily on a transversal path and to find their own way towards the data. Incidentally, this dynamic organization also mirrors our own representations of contemporary sciences.


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